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The TMP IDD Software Impact – Debbie’s Story Improved Quality of Life – Thanks to a Little Data

The TMP IDD software platform was created out of the need for our provider organization (Hill Resources Inc.) to have a great documentation software, and current market offerings falling short of what we knew was possible. After over a decade of development and use in the IDD community, we are proud to share stories like Debbie’s to show how better care is not only possible, it is our responsibility.

Debbie’s Story

Debbie came to our provider organization after years of mismanaged medications and incomplete diagnosis. We knew Debbie had the ability to be part of a community, she just needed the opportunity to thrive, a purpose and some self-esteem.

We worked to identify shortcomings in her past care and came up with a plan to address those issues. The first action was getting her meds, her diagnosis, and her care team all aligned.

We put what information we knew about Debbie’s medical history into our TMP software program, and everyone who interacted with Debbie—DSPs, nurses, case managers, clinical teams—continued to put data into the TMP.

As we collected more data, we began to leverage that information and quickly noticed stories a consistent narrative emerging.

Our information showed that Debbie would have regular blood sugar drops throughout the day, even though she had no diagnosis of diabetes.

Immediately after discovering this and forming a new care plan, the nursing staff sent training and scheduled healthy snacks for Debbie. This helped tremendously and all it took was the right people implementing the right technology (TMP in this case) to be able to review the information in front of them.

Since it was so easy for the nurse and the staff to schedule and implement the TMP monitoring tools, our care team caught something that others had missed.

Debbie’s new clinical team, though outside our provider organization, had access to her medical and behavioral data. It was the collaboration of the team that helped us make life-changing differences for her.

Over medicated and underfed, her body was in a state of crisis too often. Combine that with limited communication skills and it is easy to see why chaos so often ensued.

Once she was stabilized, we realized Debbie was much more capable than anyone knew. Since TMP allowed everyone to collaborate in real-time, Debbie is now thriving as a member of the community.
